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Munay ki Initiations
Introduction to Munay-Ki Initiations
Overview of the Munay-Ki
Benefits of Receiving the Munay-Ki
Preparations for Receiving the Munay-Ki
The principles of Munay KI
The Shamanic Archetypes
Foundation Initiations - These 4 rites launch us on our journey, through a process of willing acceptance, to the manifestation of who we truly are.
The Healers Rite
The Bands of Power Rite
The Harmony Rite
The Seers Rite
Receive the Second Initiations - The Linage Rites.
The Day keeper’s Rite
The Wisdom keeper's Rite
The Earth keeper’s Rite
The Star keeper rite
Receive the Third Initiations - The Rites of the Times to Come
The Creators Rite
Stepping in your leadership role
Fire Ceremony
Preparation and Ritual
Post-Initiation Support
Processing & Integrating the Munay-Ki
The Seers Rite
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