Benefits of Receiving the Munay-Ki

Benefits of the Munay Ki Rites

As you receive these powerful energetic transmissions, you will start noticing changes in your energy field and physical body. 

  • Your healing abilities will develop
  • Your creativity will flourish, and your intuition will strengthen
  • You will find it easier to let go of fear and develop self-confidence
  • Your inner masculine and inner feminine will heal and rebalance
  • You will start to perceive the unseen world of energy
  • Your ability to manifest will increase
  • You’ll be able to leave behind old wounds and step fully into the present
  • The ageing process will slow down and the physical healing processes will speed up
  • And overall, you will take a big leap toward creating a more authentic life

The Munay Ki Rites are energy transmissions.

They work at the level of our Luminous Energy Field to heal our past wounds that may come from our genetic and karmic inheritance. They transform and upgrade our luminous energy field and re-inform our DNA, enabling us to grow a new body that ages, heals, and dies differently. 

The words Munay Ki mean the energy of love. In the Quechua language, “Munay” means universal love. “Ki” is the Japanese word for energy. So together, these words mean the energy of love.

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