Overview of the Munay-Ki

The Origin of the Rites of the Munay-Ki

The rites of the Munay-Ki were brought to the West by Dr. Alberto Villoldo, distilled from his work as a medical anthropologist with the high shamans of the Amazon and Andes.


A message from Dr. Villoldo:

Rites of passage and initiation have been practiced for millennia by all peoples in the Earth. The rites of the Munay-Ki are based on initiatory practices of the shamans of the Andes and the Amazon. They are stripped of all trace of the indigenous cultures they come from. I did this to respect the native traditions, and to avoid the idea that persons from the West can become traditional shamans or Indians. I offer these rites with full permission from my teacher, don Manuel Quispe, who was the last great medicine man of the Q’ero Inka nation. Any fault or flaw in their presentation is exclusively my own.

The Seers rite is practiced among the North Coast peoples of Peru, (the descendants of the Chimu and Moche cultures), and by the seers and trackers of the Amazon.

The Harmony Rite comes from the lowland Q’ero, the Huachipayre people from the edge of the Amazon. I learned it from don Alejandro Cahuanchi, a renowned healer.

The Bands of Power were transmitted by Juan Victor Nuñez del Prado, a friend and colleague, whose father was one of the discoverers of the Q’ero nation.

The Healers Rite is known as the Hampe blessing and comes from the highland Q’ero people.

The Daykeepers Rite is known among the Andean Paqos as the Pampamesayok, referring to the lowlands and valleys of the ‘pampa’, and to the mesa or altar.

The Wisdomkeepers Rite is known among the ndean Paqos as the Altomesayok rite, referring to the high mountains of the Andes. Don Manuel Quispe was the great Altomesayok of Q’ero.

The Earthkeepers Rite is known among the Andean Paqos as the Kurak Akuyek rite, referring to the elder who ‘masticates’ the wisdom to nurture the young ones who follow.

The Starkeepers Rite is known as the Mosoq Karpay, which means the ‘new rite’ in the Qechua language. This rite announces and prepares one for the ‘time to come.’

The Creator Rites are known as the Taitanchis rite. The word Taitanchis literally translates as ‘God.’

These rites are not only stages of initiation, but perhaps steps for the evolution of humanity. As nations fight for bits of territory and battle over land, we must find the wisdom to create peace among all peoples. As our space telescopes show us images of a vast and immeasurable Universe, we must find a human story that is inclusive of the stars. And as our ability to destroy the world increases, we are called to step up to the task of assuming stewardship for all creation.

In essence, the rites are about stewardship. They are not ego-awards or recognition of any kind of achievement, nor do they make anyone special. On the contrary, they make one uniquely unimportant. Only then, from a position of no-ego, can we truly be of service.

In Munay,

Alberto Villoldo PhD

MUNAY-KI Initiation 9 rites

Receive the 9 Munay-Ki Rites and learn how they can support your spiritual awakening. Classes are experiential and include meditations and sacred ceremonies. Share these rites with your friends/family/clients and receive the resources to teach them.

£50 Enrolment fee

The Four Foundation Rites £200 Paid on the first training date

The Lineage Rites £200 paid on the second training date

The Rites of the Times to Come £200 paid on training date.

There are payment plans also available but will occur a teachable fee £100 A MONTH FOR 6 MONTHS

The Four Foundation Rites

Healers Rites

Connect to a lineage of luminous beings from the past, which come to assist you in your personal transformation. They bring spiritual assistance and awaken the healing power in your hands.

Bands of Power: Five Luminous Belts of power, protection and nourishment are woven into the luminous energy field. They act as filters, breaking down any negative energy that comes toward the person, into one of the five elements.

Bands of Power

Five Luminous Belts of power, protection and nourishment are woven into the luminous energy field. They act as filters, breaking down any negative energy that comes toward the person, into one of the five elements.

Harmony Rites

The transmission of the 7 Archetypes into the Chakras. You will receive Serpent, Jaguar, Hummingbird and Condor/Eagle; next you receive The Keepers of the Lower, Middle, and the Upper Worlds.

Seer Rites

The installation of an additional cerebral pathway of light that connects the visual cortex with the third eye and heart chakra. This awakens the “inner seer” and your ability to perceive the normally invisible world of energy and Spirit.

The Lineage Rites

Daykeeper Rites

Call on Master Healers from the past. This rite helps you begin to heal your inner feminine. Daykeepers are able to call on the ancient altars including Stone Henge and Picchu to heal and bring balance and healing to Mother Earth

Wisdomkeeper Rites

You connect to a lineage of luminous beings from the past and the future asking to encode their wisdom and knowledge to heal your inner masculine, step outside of time, become steeped in the medicine teachings and taste infinity.

Earthkeeper Rite

This rite connects you to the higher beings that are the protectors of the galaxies and our solar system. You embody the energy of the High Masters, the great White Brotherhood, Saints and Avatars. You learn the way of the great seers and become planetary guardians.

The Rites of the Times to Come

Starkeeper Rites

This rite anchors you safely to the time after the great change, said to occur around 2012. Your physical body now has the ability to evolve into homo luminous, your DNA is re- encoded, the aging process is slowed down, and you become more resistant to disease and decay.

Creator Rites

Awakens the Creator-light within – stewardship for all creation – you realise you are part of the Creative Principle. This rite was, until recently only received from Spirit.

These rites are initiations, which take you to progressively higher levels of spiritual evolution. This work is crucial for this time of planetary change. These beautiful rites can only be passed on by someone who has been initiated and are passed to you as energy seeds which you germinate with beautiful Fire Ceremonies.

On completing training in Munay – Ki you will be able to transmit the 9 Rites to clients and family.


· Anyone wishing to become a Munay Ki Facilitator

· A certificate will be awarded, and you will be trained to transmit the Rites

· Once you are a graduate of the workshop, you are considered a Munay Ki Graduate and can sign up to be registered on website www.munay-ki.org

​The Rites are offered to all who feel called. No prior experience or training is necessary. 

You do not need any prior experience, training, or knowledge of Shamanism to receive these rites, only a desire to do so.


Learn how to create sacred space 

Receive the nine rites of Munay Ki 

Learn how to germinate the Munay Ki seeds using a Fire Ceremony

Practice the Munay Ki chakra clearing/healing technique 

Meditation/ Visualization as appropriate for the level 


each workshop is 5 hours long


Bredbury Stockport or via Zoom


You will be provided a PDF manual and a Certificate upon completion.


You will receive lifetime access and support through our Facebook page and for a limited time only certified Cacao online study.

Complete and Continue