Welcome to the 2+0+2+4=8 Year Alignment Course
2024 2+0+2+4 = 8
The 8 year is known as a harvest year because when you are in alignment with this year's energies you are going to experience the material fruits of whatever you have sown in the recent past.
8 represents balance, introspection, intuition, abundance, ending a phase and entering a new life stage, being ready to receive change, and accomplishing goals related to business.
This 8 year will be a year of wealth and prosperity. If you maintain a positive attitude to reach your highest potential and work hard
I see stability, windfall, good fortune and prosperity, abundance and wealth, and positive energies associated with change.
Number 8 is unique in that it's not only a symbol of infinity, but it's associated with financial stability, power, prosperity, and karma.
The energies bring focus and intelligence, inner strength, Direction on finding a balance in life, looking within to trust your intuition, believing in yourself, and the importance of positive thoughts, beliefs, and actions.
This 8 brings with it encouragement to embrace your personal power, and reassurance that achieving your goals is entirely possible if you are open to change. It all comes down to believing in yourself and harnessing your inner wisdom and strength.
8 years give the power to firmly establish your planned business expansion, partnerships or even settle legal disputes in your favor.
The language of numbers may feel a little different from discussions of the wings & Roses Angels and Goddesses. We may not talk of Kali’s Fire, Lakshmi’s magnetism, or Freya’s Nordic force, but the essence is the same. This means that your numbers hold a powerful imprint of Divine Feminine energy.
In this online course, you will Find out more about how to activate this Sacred energy and gain assistance in your life path while fulfilling your life purpose or soul mission. Learn Which Sacred Feminine archetypes are trying to emerge through your life this Abundant year, how to work with the archetype with personal spiritual Practice and receive personal abundance codes in our online sacred portal.
The Gathering will take place on zoom 7.30pm pm on the 8th of January UK time.
Please read the manual before our live online Zoom gathering this course, you will embark on a transformative journey to understand the significance and power of the 2+0+2+4=8 Year Alignment. This concept revolves around aligning your goals, actions, and mindset over 2024, resulting in significant personal growth and achievement.
This course will be delivered in an online sacred ceremony, When you enrol you will gain instant access to the course manual to work out your numerology report for this year of infinite possibilities.
By the end of this course, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the 2+0+2+4=8 Year Alignment philosophy and be equipped with the necessary tools and strategies to align your goals and actions for maximum impact. Get ready to unlock your true potential and embark on a transformative personal growth and accomplishment journey!
Key Lesson Concepts:
- Understand the significance of the 2+0+2+4=8 Year Alignment concept
- Learn how to set clear objectives and create actionable plans this year
- Receive a light-filled mediation/transmission to embody the codes of abundance
- this year to Recognize the potential and leverage it effectively for personal growth
- Gain valuable tools and strategies to align your goals and actions for yourself and others.
Lesson plan
💖Open sacred space with the Archangels of each element for healing grounding and protection.
💖Prophecy for this sacred year
💖Numerology for your personal 8 year
💖Light Transmission to receive year 8 light codes
💖Ritual - so within so without
💖Oracle Cards
💖Close Sacred space