This Healing Empowerment is infused with immense light with Isis, Mother Mary, Aphrodite and the lemurian Angels.
LEMURIA WAS SEEDED BY MANY STAR SYSTEMS including Pleiades, Sirius, Venus, and more.
Level One
The Blue Star, the brightest star in our solar system is also known as Sirius or The Great Central Sun. It is the source of life, light, and love coming to earth, nurturing all of her inhabitants. The Lemurians, the star people of Sirius brought this blue light to earth when they came here to live in peace, harmony, love, and oneness. Lemuria exists under the earth in another dimension not visible to us. At this time of the shift in consciousness on our planet, the Lemurian vibrations are rising once again. The Lemurians are here to teach us how to heal ourselves, others, and the earth, sharing with us their wisdom, love, purity, peace, harmony, and light.