Munay ki Initiations
The Munay-Ki helps us become instruments of peace and agents of change and transformation. As you are initiated into the Rites, you join a group of ordinary men and women who lead extraordinary lives. As you experience the Munay-Ki, you’ll feel the presence and wisdom of these luminous ones who have broken out of ordinary time and now dwell in infinity. As we engage the luminous lineage, we actually “remember” making our way across the Bering Straits or crossing the Sonora Desert into Central America, or even before that, trekking over the Himalayas on our great journey north from India. When we partner with the Earthkeepers of the future, we can upgrade the quality of our DNA to grow new bodies. This runs contrary to popular belief, which says that our genes can not be changed. Earthkeepers understand that you are not your genes, that you are your dreams. When you are free of the bounds of time, the future can reach backwards like a giant hand to push you forward to your healed destiny. As you receive the Munay-Ki rites, your chakras will become clear and you’ll acquire what the Earthkeepers call the rainbow body, the energy body that will carry you safely beyond death.