From week 4 of the Mary Magdalene 9 moon priestess training
We are a Sisterhood that Recognises that Together we are Stronger, that Together We Rise. Alone we are Powerful yet Together we are Unstoppable!
Personal Preparation
Before we do any spiritual work, it is important to be personally prepared so we need to be grounded, connected and protected then we are ready to clear and dedicate our space.
It is vital that you ensure that you are grounded and safe before starting any spiritual work. When we use the term ascension this means anchoring your higher self into your physical body to bring heaven on earth. It is not about escaping to higher realms. We cannot raise our light quotient and frequency unless we ground the light into our body, cells, DNA, bloodstream, and the earth below us. So, by grounding, it keeps us safe and protected.
A short grounding Exercise
Bring your awareness into your heart, focus on unconditional love and send this love down through your body, through your womb, into your feet and earth star. Visualizing beams of love and light going down to the centre of the earth from your womb and the soles of your feet. Set your intent to connect to the 5thDimensional womb of the earth, the Rose grid and the web of light. Send your love to mother earth and the womb of the earth and wrap your beams of light around the crystal in her centre You are now safe, protected and grounded from below. Draw this loving energy from the earth, up into your heart.
A short Attunement exercise
Now that you are grounded, focus on unconditional love in your heart and send this love up through your body to father universe, the Galactic womb of creation and your celestial team. Feel this love returning to you. Now you are safe and protected from above. Allow this love to fill your whole body and cells. You have created the holy trinity within you.
When you partake in any type of energy work there is a chance you may pick up energies from your environment or people’s feelings, so it is important to protect yourself first. Here are some examples of protection techniques. You may choose to use your own.
Invoke the 4 archangels of the cardinal points. Ask Archangel Michael and Lady Faith to blaze their cobalt blue light in, through, and around you, in every dimension, separate reality, time, and space. Invoke the light of Christos and Sophia for your total protection.
Create a sacred space for each temple.
Open a window and let in some fresh air.
Clear the room with sacred sound with either a singing bowl, tuning forks, Ting- shares, or high vibrational music.
Light a candle to bring in the light. Clear the space with sage, Paulo Santo, or an Angel spray.
Burn your favorite incense or aromatherapy oils in a vaporizer.
Create an Altar
Your altar is a sacred space where you can connect to the divine with love and devotion. It will become an anchor the Starlight where you feel the presence of the goddess, the sister, and brotherhood of light. It will become a portal for healing.
Items you may like to place on your Altar
Two pillar candles to represent Mother Father God Items to represent Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.
Water from sacred wells.
Images or statues of The goddess of the temple we will be entering each cycle.
Crystals to anchor the energy
A chalice to represent the womb of creation.
Oils and perfumes for anointing ( particularly Rose & Myrtle)
Flowers Roses and lilies.
We create a beautiful space for the transmissions to connect and reclaim divine sovereignty.
🌹 Creating your magical diary 🌹
An important part of our is our magical diary. Our diary keeps track of what we have done and, most importantly, how it made you feel. By the end of this 9 moon priestess spiral journey you will have tried out a huge number of awesome priestess practices, and it’s so handy to know the ones that helped you connect in for future reference.
Another pivotal part of our diary is keeping track of proof! We want to record every spiritual happening that happens every day that proves we are awakening our inner priestess and connecting with our priestess's powers. We want a written record of it, so we can plainly SEE what is awakening within us.
Here is an example of Priestess Proof Records:-
I’ve been working with Aphrodite and today and her heart symbol showed up in my chippy tea paper. Venus magic!
I got a citrine crystal to pop by my laptop as I work and I have had five new gig bookings since I got it
Before I left the house the other day I was in a rush and I just really quickly did an anointing in 5 seconds and it made a difference to my day
I connected with Archangel Ariel today and got a super picture of a fairy marriage! Divine union!
I did my meditation practice this morning and saw.....
Today a few playing cards with hearts on landed on my path. I feel this was Aphrodite telling me.....
I like to get my diaries and journals from Wilkos, cos you can get pretty sturdy ones with good quality paper and pretty covers for less than £3 nowadays. It REALLY doesn't have to be a super special notebook... unless you REALLY want it to be.
So today make sure you get your Magical Diary and title the first three pages of it Priestess Proof. Pop into the what's app group Circle to let us know you did it!
This transmission is guided by the light of Mary Magdalene one of my favourite roses
Mary Magdalene was branded a prostitute because of the connection she had to spirit/shakena through your yoni (Vagina) gateway. Over the weeks we have lifted cloaks of shame connected to our sexual energy and taken back our power to connect to the divine.
Today you are invited to use the Ujai Breath for the cervical gateway meditation practice.
The Ujai Breath is a soft, whispering breath, also known as ocean breath. As compared to the sound of the waves lapping against the shore or the sound of the wind through the trees.
With Ujai Breath you breathe in and out of the nose with the lips gently closed and although the breath is passing through the nostrils the emphasis is in your throat.
You create a constriction in the throat as if you were gently closing down the back of the throat. Yet it does not feel like a tightening, just a sealing of the gate to create more heat and deepen your connection. You can feel the breath stroke the back of your throat as you inhale and exhale.
This practice is best done in the Sukhasana pose
Here is the written transmission if you wish to carry the energies forward the recorded transmission is on the link below. Best listened to with ear phone in a sacred space.
Sukhasana pose ( sitting upright with legs crossed)
Relaxing gently into the sense of your body being held by Mother Gaia Sophia
As you slowly allow your breath to deepen
Each inhale opening to receive her love and embrace
and each Exhale dropping down.. a little deeper down
Allowing gravity to draw you deep down into connection to the golden core of mother Gaia
Dropping your awareness deep down into your root system, your yoni, your womb and your cervix.
Now, take a moment to pray and deepen your intention for this practice.
Beloved Mother Gaia Sophia
Please help me to receive your healing light and to heal and
open the gate of my cervix.
So that your divine love can flow through me and nourish my body and soul.
Help me Mother to return home to your love
that I may embody the light of my pure soul.
Thank you Beloved Mother Gaia Sophia
thank you for your love.
Now exhale, softly and deeply.
Feeling your roots begin to extend down into the molten core of the earth.
Descending deeper down into the molten gold core of the Mother
Descending deeper than your own physical cervix and tracking an energetic channel of energy that extends from your physical cervix all the way down to the golden womb of Mother Gaia.
This is the energetic gate of your cervix
your cervical gateway
It is your physical cervix and then it extends as an energetic cervical channel that connects you right down into the golden core of the Mother Gaia.
Breath deeply and inhale
Opening to receive
Mother Gaias golden light up through your yoni, then up through the energetic and physical gate of your cervix and into your womb.
Breathing deeply..
Rhythmically.. with your UJai Breath
And with deep intention to receive Mother Gaias alchemical healing light into your cervix
Sense feel the energy flowing up through into your cervical gateway and into your womb and then into your entire body
Feel yourself descending
Into the golden womb core of
Mother Gaia
She is embracing you and surrounding you with her love
There is nothing for you to do to earn this love
Just simply receive and
Relax just relax and let your body surrender open to her
There is nothing you need to do but relax and breath mother Gaia’s golden womb love into the cells of your body through and around your cervical gateway
Deep breaths
Heal me Mother Gaia
Show me how to heal any ancient pain that lives in my cervix
Please help me heal any unhealed wounds
Any energetic miasms, leaks or tears of the energy field around my cervix or in the cells of my cervix
I ask you to repair them now
Breath your love into me MA
Bring my body home to be with with yours
Help me to remember how to live as a radiant expression of your love
Breath and receive the golden light from the flower of life and allow it to
Heal cells of your Cervix
Yoni womb
That need to be healed
Trusting she
She knows where to go she knows where her alchemical healing love needs to flow,
breathing softly, gently deep ujia breaths
Receiving the Creation Code of The Flower of Life into your cervical gateway
Coming in directly from Mother Gaia Sophia
Repairing the physical cellular structures of your cervix
your DNA being re-patterned with The Flower of Life
Visualise and sense the flower of life over lighting your physical cervix and the energetic gate of your cervix now.
Filling up your entire womb space with the golden light of Gaia Sophia
Allowing it to flow through your heart
and whole body right up to Source
Opening into the Christ light coming straight from the source now
Christ Light Descending down into your cervix
Blending with divine Mother Gaias Sophia’s golden light in your cervix.
Re – pairing in the energetic and physical gateways of your cervix.
Healing this sacred cervical gateway to her planetary womb core
Through your body
Your body is the bridge to this immense amount of light
Flowing from our Central Sun back into the Mother Gaias Womb Core
Now continuing to inhale
Feel your body receiving her love into every cell.
Feel her golden streams of life pouring into you
Purring into you
Gently softly
Loving you home into her grace
Breathing the light through your whole body and energy body now
Exhaling allowing it to spread through your body
As Mother Gaia infuses your whole body temple with your love.
Allow your self to fully receive her love fully and completely through your whole being
Feel yourself descending deeper
Returning home to the arms of the Divine Mother now.
Into the golden womb core of
Mother Gaia
She is embracing you and surrounding you with her love
There is nothing you need to do but relax and receive
Surrendering deeper into silence and stillness
breathing deeply
Giving thanks to Mother Gaia for the gift of life she brings to you
Offering your gratitude
Be quiet and go into a state of deep listening for any messages for you.
Asking her questions and opening to receive her answers.
How would she have you continue to heal or how can you serve her more deeply?
Listening Deeply